Friday 27 March 2015

mar 27th, 

If you know me well enough, you'd know that eating & baking are my absolute favourite things to do. I've recently be taught to make a mouthwatering orange chiffon cake, and am in love with it ! Not only is the texture so so velvetly smooth, the fluffiness of the cake itself makes it light & airy (so there is always space for more !) The cake was demolished within minutes the last time I made it, but until next time, I promise there will be a decent picture ! 

I've also been working on some butter X sable cookies lately (altered from Eugenie's Valentine Heart Cookies recipe, feel free to check it out) Anyways, I am a die hard matcha lover, and stumbled upon this fabulous recipe, and decided to make a matcha version of the original sable cookie, minus the food colouring. Taste testing with (S.^2) has become one of our rituals, we have turned into quite the food critics might I add. Anyways, for the first attempt, the overall cookie deserved a 7/10. Now to take notes on what to improve on: I thought the overall cookie was a bit too big. It was originally formed into a 2" x 2" dough, but because I didn't stiffen the dough, it melted rapidly in the oven, and spreaded out into an even bigger piece of cookie. S. thought the matcha flavouring was nice & rich, and there was absolutely no need for any excess food colouring. S. (the other one) thought the cookie texture & crispness was exactly to the butter / sable cookie point yet, guess it would have been better if I fully froze the dough next time. Anyways, I had some great & useful feedback with my first attempt. I just finished whipping up another batch - the rolled dough is in the freezer at the moment - and I will most likely bake & remember to post a picture of them when I have fully recovered from being sick ! Ta Ta for now <3


Sunday 22 March 2015

mar 22nd,

Seems to have been over a month since my last post (wow, & sorry) ! This post, like the others, will be of fillers, and more fillers. Let's see, what have I been up to... It has definitely been a hectic month if I have got to say for myself. Paper writing, as you (all) know has been a standardized 'to do' item in my posts, but this month was crayyy (yes, I just used that word), because of visitors. As much as I love having people over at my place, the amount of visitors I had over was quite overwhelming. I'm actually surprised that I managed to not attempt to strangle any one *pats myself on the back* Anywho... having people over simply just meant eating out, I mean, its not a bad thing, but eating out every single meal for the whole week, is enough (or at least for the next few months). Aside from that, let's talk manners. Who stays at someone's house literally "making themselves feel at home" ?! Perhaps that is really an overstatement. When people tell you that, you gotta know its a friendly thing to say. What you DONT do is casually toss your belongings around the whole house, make people wash, and even lightly rinse every single dish you've used, and make others feel obliged to pay for your every meal. Of course, the cherry on top of that would have to be the inexistent "thank you" for everything others have done for you. So here is my 'note to self' based on this experience, and others from the past: people will never thank you for your deeds (it's nothing karma related, but an act of manners) so casually be the good man / woman you are, but don't be that pushover others want you to be, BE YOURSELF. 


Monday 16 February 2015

feb 16th 

It's officially past VDay ! Finally, all the pink & reds in every. single. store. can come down (weoo). Wow. Just realized that I sound like a couples hater, don't get me wrong, I don't. At this point, I really want to insert a GIF that some ladies sent me on VDay. Due to my lack of tech savy-ness, I'm (no joke) having some technical difficulties. Anyways, I'm sure most of you guys / gals have seen it before - it's from the Ellen Show (gawd, I love Ellen!) and its TayTay doing the "pathetic single girls party" GIF. If you haven't seen it before, check it out, it'll definitely brighten up your day, if not, next year's Vday - XOXO. 

As always, long time no write - I believe I have to use the same old excuse : I was drowning in a load of papers (so true though). As reading break, or spring break (or whatever you like to call it) has officially begun, it's also about to end in hmm...T-6days. Reality is, what institutions call a "break" is never really a break, anyone with me here? I mean, breaks are supposed to be for resting time - more like, sleep, eat, shop, REPEAT. But NOOO, life just happens to be a (biatchhh) and won't let me (I mean, US) take a good break. I guess its kay, who needs fresh air anyways when you've got three more papers to go right? - sure, tots cool - While I've spent the past, five minutes or so ranting, it seems that I've used up my quick break. Until next time... 

p.s. Happy (almost) Chinese New Year - can't wait to be not broke anymore LOL 


Sunday 1 February 2015

feb 1st

It's officially February first (!) Nothing superb going on, but still, excitement for having survived one-twelfth of the year. Sunday here on the west coast and I'm drowning in a massive pile of readings while half the world is rooting for their team playing at the Superbowls (joy... casual Sunday for me). At this point, I'm (kinda) hungry... then again, I can always eat more. Anyways, looking forward to that Sunday (entire weekend preferably) where I'm out and about, and not reading scholarly articles that won't get to the goddamn point #ragequit. Hope you're have a lovely Sunday - xoxo - 


Tuesday 27 January 2015

jan 27th

Forgive my absence, I have to admit that its been a while since I last posted. Aside from being caught up (and a tad behind) school work etc., the year has been kicking start pretty well. I am really the type of people that don't believe in new year resolutions because, c'mon they always end up getting abandoned. Although my resolution wasn't really official, my main goal is to be fit & try to be healthier in terms of eating habits (goodbye midnight junk food cravings...). Surprisingly, I've felt more active and 'healthy' (is that a feeling?) than ever before. Honestly, I was never that super active kid throughout the elementary years, and as I grew up, I was dragged into playing volleyball & badminton with my some friends. One of the main reason that kept me from being active back in the days, was because I absolutely HATED being sweaty & stinky after training. And as much as I hate to admit it, I did stink (just a teeny bit), but the problem was once I sweat, it meant that I had to automatically say bye-bye to my white school blouses (UGH.) It just bugged me so much that I would always be wearing something over my whites - despite the hot weather - to cover up possible sweat stains. Being active was definitely a no-no for me. Recently I've been back to playing weekly recreational badminton with a small group of friends, not only am I back on the 'fit' track, I no longer have sweat stains & those nasty wax marks on my shirts. And I'll tell you why in jussst a sec ! 

I don't think I've mentioned that I am now an official Bzzagent! What that means is, I am an 'agent' a part of a word-of-mouth company. I am invited into campaigns to try products (for free) and to share my experience amongst my friends, family, etc. So here, I am sharing with you my near life changing experience with regards to my no longer sweaty pits (excuse my TMI). Some of you may feel uncomfortable talking about this topic, but hey ! it's an issue that we deal with everyday & its should be resolved ! My recent experience with the Secret Outlast Clear Gel deodorant has been amazing ! Although its a gel deodorant, which tends to last for a shorter period of time, it's definitely worth the money to buy more ! I got the ooh-la-la lavender scented one for free via Bzzagent, and loved everything about it (except the lavender scent haha). As soon as I finished it, I went to the store to buy a non-scented one, and bam ! LOVED IT ! Not only does it last throughout the day, I've come to realize that the white marks that wax deodorants usually leave aren't even there ! This is definitely one of the biggest benefits of using Secret Outlast as I am no longer afraid of exercising in white shirts ! This my friend, is really a #gamechanger moment.


Wednesday 14 January 2015

jan 14

Its been hmm...quite a few days since I last posted (whoops). I would've literally forgotten all about blogging if I hadn't just stop, and think of what I've been up to lately. I mean, I have quite the 'to do' list beside me right now, but hey, taking time to reflect is really a key part of life. Whether it is reminiscing the past, or thinking about the future (perhaps, even tomorrow), is like meditating - its...forgive my word choice, but its calming, enjoyable, and even relaxing. Hint of the day, I would recommend you whomever you are (if there is anyone who actually reads my blog), to STOP, stop whatever you're doing, and think, just sit down, and think. Think of what you did today, embarrassing moments? happy moments? regretful moments? anything ! Clear your mind, lift of the stress, and when you're done, proceed to what you were doing, feel the difference and have a fabulous day ! 


Tuesday 6 January 2015

jan 6th

As I wash the pan that I made breakfast with today, a sudden thought, or quote of the day, popped up in my mind in light of my recent struggles. 
"those who don't care, will never get hurt"
This is true, is it not? Yes, and no, but for the most part, it is undoubtably a debatable subject. Well there goes my little blurb about my morning thoughts. Aside from that, it is the second day of school, I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed, but am still barely caught up everything. Wish me luck as I start to power through tonight's whomping thirty page light reading !
